Je suis un étranger

My Life in Québec City

Nom :
Emplacement : Québec, Canada

I transcend the Zodiac in the ultimate form of the Panda.

mercredi, janvier 03, 2007

Day in the Life of...

So it's almost 7, and here I am twiddling my thumbs just before I go to work. This is what my daily schedule (with work) looks like. Please note that all times I mention are EST. This means that for all Winnipeggers reading this, that it's an hour ahead i.e. my 7:00am is your 6:00am.

6:15am - Wake up
6:20am - Breakfast, lunch prep, dishes
6:50am - Being lazy, internet news, and for today, blogging.
7:15am - Run to bus stop
7:45am - Hit final stop, walk to work
8:00am-5 or 6 pm - Working
6:30-7:30pm - Get home, make supper
8:30pm - Being lazy, internet news, gaming
11:00pm-midnight - Sleep


So to note: 9-10 hours work
3 hours extra awake due to work
Of those 3 hours, waiting or sitting on bus for an hour and a half.
6-7 hours of sleep

Thank God I only work 4 days a week.


Anonymous Anonyme said...

And are you going to tell all those who venture to your blog precisely what kind of work you are doing?? :) Otherwise we may have to speculate... that might not be the best, I think you should tell us:) Congrats on the job, eh!

1/03/2007 9:15 p.m.  

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